Square brackets in contracts: What they mean and why they matter

Contracts are an essential part of any business transaction, and they are often filled with legal jargon and technical language. To ensure that the terms of a contract are clear and unambiguous, lawyers and draftsmen use a range of symbols, including square brackets. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what square brackets mean in contracts and why they are so important.

What are square brackets?

Square brackets, also known as brackets or box brackets, are punctuation marks that are used to enclose words or phrases within a sentence. They are often used to indicate that a word or phrase has been added, deleted, or changed from the original text. In a contract, square brackets are used to indicate that a provision or clause can be modified or deleted depending on the specific circumstances of the agreement.

Why are square brackets important in contracts?

In a contract, square brackets serve several important functions. First, they highlight areas of a contract that are subject to negotiation or may require modification. This allows parties to focus their attention on those areas and work towards a mutually acceptable agreement. Second, square brackets help to ensure that a contract is clear and unambiguous by indicating where changes have been made. This can help to prevent misunderstandings or disputes later on.

Examples of square brackets in contracts

Here are some examples of how square brackets might be used in a contract:

1. “The buyer shall pay [insert amount] to the seller within [insert time frame] of the delivery of the goods.”

In this example, the square brackets indicate that the specific amount and time frame for payment are subject to negotiation and will be filled in later.

2. “This agreement shall terminate [upon the occurrence of event A] or [upon the occurrence of event B].”

In this example, the square brackets indicate that the contract can be terminated in two different ways, depending on the circumstances.

3. “This agreement may be amended [by written agreement signed by both parties] at any time.”

In this example, the square brackets indicate that the method of amending the agreement is subject to negotiation and will be determined later.


Square brackets may seem like a minor detail in a contract, but they play an important role in ensuring that the terms of the agreement are clear and unambiguous. By using square brackets to indicate areas of negotiation or modification, parties can focus their attention on those areas and work towards a mutually acceptable agreement. So next time you`re reviewing a contract, be sure to pay close attention to the square brackets!